loud doesn’t work.


Everyone is saying something or telling a story. For a business, what they are saying is their messaging. Messaging is made of all the methods that can be used to get information into the minds of consumers and stakeholders. The best businesses have a strategy for their messaging. They aren’t reactive and don’t “wing it.”

Once experience of poor messaging comes to mind is that of a corporate handout to accompany a safety training video. The handout was to summarize the key points of the twenty minute long video with “vital life saving information”. The communication team rejected the handout saying it was too long and was subsequently cut from approximately 300 words to just under 60! At first saying it was too long, they later admitted not wanting to have a printed record of the plant safety risks in the hands of employees. It wasn’t until the video was made that they considered how they talked to their employees about workplace hazards.

Messaging that doesn’t pulsate with an audience can turn them off or worse yet, get ignored. Do you know what you are saying to people that will impact your business? Do you have a core message? Is it honest and open? Are you more afraid of how things look than how they really are? Caring about people means you will consider your messaging carefully.


Let me put together some messaging standards for you at no cost and with no obligation.
If you dig it, keep it and use it. If you like me, give me a company t-shirt!