it’s a happy talent to

know how to play. 


At the core of the human experience is a need for connection. People love getting together! Humans are social creatures. We need each other in order to have a sense of belonging and support. Human connection decreases health risks, and improves physical well-being and longevity. So why don’t more businesses get people together with events? Are there even any benefits to doing them?

The reason promotions and events are more rare has little to do with online retail and pandemics. It has more to do with a lack of leadership. It takes some vision to plan events. You have to see the value of people and the energy that people coming together can produce. With people coming together, businesses will gain a much needed advantage over others when it comes to keeping people engaged.

Events give people something to talk about. They provide something out of normal day-to-day operations. Events boost morale for employees and in and of themselves are content for social media. You should have at least four events every year!

Never had an open house, grand opening or customer appreciation day? Too old school. Too boomer. Yeah? Wanna go to Comicon then?


Let me create some event ideas for you at no cost and with no obligation.
If you dig them, throw a party and create some excitement. If you like me, let’s go get a hot dog!