bite less.

listen more.


As a consultant, I have been around some pretty tough cookies. The toughest and nicest people I have met are all in business. By in business, I mean making money. It takes a lot of guts to be in business. You have to believe you are special and capable. It would be very hard to take on risks and step out into unknowns without a certain amount of… uh… certainty. But business isn’t about certainty, it’s about change. Nothing humbles more than change and change creates leaders.

I have found overtime what I call the four noble truths of entrepreneurship.

1) Businesses that are flexible tend to do better in tough times.

2) Business people that embrace difficulty tend to be more successful.

3) Businesses that admit when things are not working tend to improve.

4) Businesses that focus on a specific vision eventually leave a legacy.

Listening to others is crucial as is sharing responsibility and credit, but never blame. Accepting new information, being data and fact minded will help businesses far more than paying people to be there. 

I have a way of changing businesses for the better by solving problems with creative and technology solutions.


Let me help you with fresh ideas for your business at no cost and with no obligation.
If you dig it, keep it and use it. If you like me, let’s get a beer!